
Did You Know That More Than 40% Of Google Searches Generate 0% Of Clicks

Expect fewer clicks over time, number of people that clicked on no result has increased.

This is because more and more users search with voice and even without a screen so search engines are evolving in a way to directly serve requested information to customers who then don’t need to visit your website.

For example, if you type in, “Osijek weather” you will get a wether listing directly in search from the weather.com website so there is no need for you to click and visit the website to find out whether information, is there?

And as a user, this provides me with a better user experience, so I like it. But if I was a website like weather.com I probably wouldn’t as it decreases my traffic, which decreases my ad revenue.

Expect Google to continually do this more over time as it tends to create a better user experience and not more ad revenue for you.

A lot of marketers and business owners don’t like this, and they complain that what Google is doing isn’t fair. But the fact is that Google as a company has a right to do with their search engine what they want so you can use it or not it’s up to your preference.

I recommend that you focus on what you can control.

So, What Can You Do To Get More Cliks

The first obstacle is how can you get more clicks when people are clicking less.

And the second is how can you get more conversions from the clicks you are getting to make up for the loss in traffic.

Typically, with clicks, the main thing that impacts it is your meta tags so here are 10 ways to adjust them to help you get more clicks:

  1. 50% increase in CTR when the exact query is in URL.
  2. 15% higher CTR for questions in titles.
  3. 15% higher CTR if you use power words.
  4. 10% higher CTR for 20 to 40 characters title tags.
  5. 10% higher CTR for titles that contained emotions versus ones that didn’t have emotion.
  6. 10% higher CTR for titles that resembled education.
  7. 5% higher CTR for titles with year.
  8. 5% higher CTR for evoking curiosity.
  9. 5% higher CTR if you have a meta description.
  10. You’re more likely to be successful if you look at the paid ads and learn from the success of others.

As mentioned the second thing you need to optimize for are conversions. When you do get clicks, you’ll want to drive as many sales as possible.

Also, don’t forget about mobile when optimizing your site it’s probably more than 40% of your searches and visits.

Typically, when it comes to optimizing your meta tags, you don’t have to worry as much as you are going to use the same meta tags for both the mobile and desktop versions of your site as most sites are responsive.

But when it comes to conversion optimization, you’ll want to create a different mobile experience, which you can do through a better implementation of responsive design and optimization for mobile presentation.

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